
Everyone reaches a point where they’re unsure. When your mind is overloaded, and you find yourself going in circles, or the same questions keep resurfacing. That’s when it’s valuable to work together. We’ll explore exactly what’s going on, where you’re getting stuck, and what you want to change. We’ll look at your assumptions and patterns. Unravel that tangled mess of thoughts and emotions. And (re)discover your motivations and strengths. This will enable you to make better decisions and take the steps that truly fit you. It’s often daunting, sometimes fun, sometimes confronting, and often intense. But it’s always enlightening, loving, enriching, and a step forward.

let's meet

Choosing coaching may feel completely natural for some, while for others, it’s a big step. It’s an intensive process focused on development, trust, and collaboration. You want to be sure that the person sitting across from you is not only an expert but also someone you can easily talk to and feel comfortable with, right?

I understand that it’s hard to judge that from a website. That’s why you’re always welcome to call or email for an introduction. It’s, of course, free and without obligation. We’ll meet and talk online or, if it suits us both, in person over a cup of coffee. There will definitely be plenty of space for any questions you may have. So, don’t hesitate – you’ll likely gain some valuable insights!

the coaching process

Coaching is in most cases structured as a process: a series of multiple sessions. The reason for this is that it leads to more lasting and meaningful results. After all, there is more time and space for deeper exploration, which brings greater benefits. I am often asked what a coaching process looks like. Of course, the content is always tailored to you, but the process generally looks like this:

The Start

When you decide to work with me after our initial meeting, we’ll first explore the context of your question or situation together. Often, there are many factors that influence or play a role. By mapping these out clearly, your question becomes clearer as well.

The Coaching Question

Next, we’ll define a specific, clear, and realistic goal. This could be an answer to the question you came with, but sometimes there’s a question behind the question. Or your goal might be something concrete you want to achieve or be able to do. By giving this phase the necessary time and attention, we ensure that in our follow-up sessions, we’re working on the right things. I always see this phase as setting the destination for our journey.

The Follow-up Sessions

In the sessions that follow, we work purposefully towards your personal goal. After 2 or 3 sessions, we’ll do a mid-term evaluation: we’ll assess together where we stand and how we want to proceed in the upcoming sessions. Depending on the length of the coaching process, there may be several of these evaluation points.

The Closure

We’ll determine together when and how the coaching process will come to an end. So, it’s never a surprise. We close by thoroughly evaluating through a form and a conversation. What steps have been taken, and what still needs to be done? After a few months, I’ll check in with you again: pausing to reflect on how things are going, if you’re still facing any challenges, or simply to reinforce the ‘new you’.




Een sessie duurt 1,5 uur. De kennismaking uitgezonderd, die is 30 tot 60 minuten.


De gesprekken vinden meestal eens in de 2 á 3 weken plaats. Dat betekent dat een traject, afhankelijk van het aantal gesprekken, varieert van 2 maanden tot ongeveer een half jaar.





De gesprekken vinden plaats in coachruimtes in o.a. Leiden, Den Haag, Rotterdam, Utrecht en alles er tussenin. Daardoor zijn we (indien nodig zelfs per keer) vrij te kiezen welke plek ons beiden het best uitkomt. In overleg is de huiselijke sfeer van mijn eigen keukentafel in Boskoop ook mogelijk.


The sessions take place at the Coachhuis, which has locations throughout the country. I mainly use the spaces in Rotterdam, Gouda, Zoetermeer, and Utrecht. If needed, we can also arrange to meet at another location. Online coaching is, of course, also an option.


Coaching almost always takes place in the form of a series of sessions (see also The Coaching Process), each lasting about 1.5 hours, because true, lasting growth requires a bit more time and attention. On average, 6 sessions are needed, but this depends largely on your question, situation, process, and preferences. We’ll discuss this during the initial meeting. Afterward, I’ll send you a personalized proposal, still free of charge and without obligation.

Private Rate: €120 per hour (incl. VAT)

Freelancer Rate: €120 per hour (excl. VAT)

It’s also possible to schedule a single session rather than a full process. This can be useful as “maintenance” a few months after completing a coaching process, to see how you’re applying new insights and tools in practice, what has changed since, or where you’re still encountering challenges. A single session can also be helpful for a specific and concrete question, such as preparing for a presentation or a (business) conversation.

Do you have something else in mind or want to discuss further? Feel free to get in touch!


traject 4 coachgesprekken

570,- / 4x1,5 uur


traject 6 coachgesprekken

830,- / 6x1,5 uur


traject 8 coachgesprekken

1.080,- / 8x1,5 uur

In many cases, a coaching process is covered. Want to know if this applies to you? Check the options here.