Whether you’re a recent graduate stepping into the job market for the first time or have been working for 30 years, career coaching is valuable for everyone. I guide you through questions about work, education, or your career. Together, we focus on uncovering the next step in your professional life and turning your desired change into reality. That step might be triggered by a difficult event, such as forced redundancy or burnout, but it can also stem from personal growth or ambition. The modern job market is becoming increasingly complex but also offers more opportunities than ever. The biggest challenge is staying true to yourself, continuing to grow, and utilizing your talents in a way that suits you. At some point, most of us encounter obstacles in this journey. By going back to the basics—clarifying who you are, what you’re capable of, and what you want—we create clarity. This newfound insight enables you to chart your own course with confidence.

Questions that often lead to career coaching:

  • What could be the next step for me?
  • Where do my potential and growth opportunities lie?
  • I’m unhappy at work. What now?
  • I want to keep developing myself. What’s the best way to do that?
  • How do I balance my family life with work or education?
  • What kind of job suits me?
  • I’m missing challenges in my current role. How can I address that?
  • How can I improve communication with my colleagues?
  • Circumstances require me to look for something new. What could I do, and how do I approach it?
  • I want to do work that feels fulfilling. How do I find that?
  • I’m considering a career switch but feel afraid to take the leap. How do I get moving?

If any of these resonate with you, career coaching might be the right fit. Together, we’ll find your path forward. Ready to explore? Let’s connect!

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In a career coaching trajectory we work together to explore your experiences, interests, strengths, and drivers. Depending on your specific question, we may use tools like a DISC or Motivational Analysis, but only if they add genuine value to your process.

What will it bring me?

More than 50% of Dutch employees report that their job no longer suits them for various reasons. Considering how much time you spend at work, it’s a disservice to yourself to stay in a role that doesn’t bring you satisfaction. By opting for career coaching, you gain the support needed to take back control of your career, rather than leaving those decisions to others. This process helps you grow both professionally and personally. You’ll gain clarity about your abilities, desires, and how to thrive in your work environment. Together, we’ll translate your aspirations into actionable steps, allowing you to focus your efforts effectively. This newfound clarity helps you make informed decisions—whether it’s making small adjustments to your current role, reshaping your responsibilities, or pursuing an entirely new career path.